Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ringmaster proud, ringmaster LOUD

The circus was, as predicted, first class entertainment. My grandmother and I went Monday morning to the dress rehearsal, and I was amazed. All of the kids did so well, and Abby's part was way bigger than we even realized. Last night, we packed into the cafeteria (Abby had 16 people there!) to watch the show. It was so fantastically cute, I cannot even describe it. Abby was a star. We taped the whole thing, and I'm going to try to get Matt to put it on YouTube--you know, for all the people I know who have nothing better to do than watch a 30 minute circus of 5-year olds. I gotta tell you, though, it is something to behold.

Here are some pictures!

Dress rehearsal--she is such a poser!

The kids waiting for their entrance at the rehearsal.

Checking out her makeup--she LOVED it!

Madam Ringmaster:

Waiting to start the show:

For each act, Abby would introduce them, and then the kids all sang a song while that act "performed." First up, though, they sang the ringmaster song and Abby got to strut around and crack her whip. The words are: "Top hat! Cracking whip! Black vest! Long black coat! Ringmaster proud! Ringmaster LOUD! Calling the acts of the show!" And trust me, the exclamation marks are not an exaggeration. It's a very enthusiastic song. Here she is doing her thing:

Abby's class after the show. I mean, seriously, how much cuter could kids BE?
Abby's daddy gave her flowers after her performance. I know, he's awesome.
A couple of weeks ago, Abby decided she needed to learn how to do a headstand. What the child wants to learn, she learns. This was after the circus:
This last picture has nothing to do with the circus, but I like it and it's my blog.


Anonymous said...

SO cute!! Let me know when the youtube video is ready :)

Alice said...

What great pictures of a great little girl (or Ringmaster). I am impressed by the pictures, I can't imagine seeing the video.

Sorry I put an "e" in Abby's name in my last comment. It may not bother you but people spell Mili's name wrong all the time. So I am getting used to it.

Sarah said...

I love it! The part was written for her! Can't wait to see a video.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I know she did great! Can't wait to see the video!


Melanie said...

That looks SO fun! I can't wait for Rachel to do things like this! The pictures are great too And yes, I too am excited about the video!