Ethan's third (!) birthday is a couple of weeks away. His BFF and parentally assigned girlfriend Avery just had her birthday this past week. Marla and I decided to give the kids a joint party, just a small affair with a few kids from their Sunday school class and some close friends. Avery is addicted to
Cars and Ethan likes it too, so the theme was easy. The party was a success, and everyone was nice and exhausted afterwards. I actually managed to get some pictures downloaded in a reasonable amount of time, so I thought I'd share.
The birthday girl and boy. You should know that I took 56 shots of them standing like this, and this is the ONLY one where they are both looking at me and smiling:

Their cool cake, made by my cool friend Autumn:

Abby and her posse, Audrey and Carol Grace, having a little fun:

Blowing out the candles on the aforementioned cool cake (I know this is self-explanatory, but I just really like the word aforementioned and saw a window):

Gotta love Capri Suns:

I love this picture. He's eating a donut that served as part of Luigi's tire stack on the cake. He was SO happy:

A lot can change in two years. Here's just how much:

Woah! I can't believe he is 3! Looks like the party was a hit-- love the cake. We need to do lunch soon - how do I get on the AMENMom social calendar??
Woah! I can't believe he is 3! Looks like the party was a hit-- love the cake. We need to do lunch soon - how do I get on the AMENMom social calendar??
Time sure flies when your having fun! He is so precious- and I know the party was a blast! The picture of him eating the donut, reminds me of one that mother has at her house of Lindsey when she was about 2- she is eating a piece of cake and the look on her face is one of "utter bliss"! I have always loved that picture of her eating the cake! Thanks for the help with the cable Sat. night-we watched the second 1/2 as our boys had an off night- but they are young and will come back! GO HOGS!
I remember his first birthday... I can't believe he is almost 3 years old :o( He sure has changed in two years!
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